Thursday 7 September 2017

Nonnas' Homemade Body Creams

Nonnas' Homemade Body Cream, Deodorants & Cleaners.

The journey into the past to reduce the chemicals in our food & homes has led me to doTerra Essential Oils. A pure source of plant oil without fillers & oils to crank up the price. Essential Oils in Australia only need 5% of the pure oil, while doTerra Oil is 100% pure oil. It makes it an easy choice, taking this info into consideration, use them sparingly, as they are very concentrated. 

My first use was for Flu & cold symptoms, I loved the relief I got using peppermint, lavender & Frank. (as you become familiar with the oils, you'll know that 'Frank' is Frankincense, the Oil of Kings)

My next major need for the oils was Lavender after I walked into a Paperwasps nest. I ended up with 8 stings, I applied a drop of Lavender to the stings which relieved the pain & itch. I only used it once the next day & the stings were a past memory, though the welts still appeared without the usual itching that continues for a week. 
But the use of Lavender didn't stop there, it's brilliant for infections, headaches, sleeplessness with a calming effect. I've cleared up several serious inflammations & infected cuts, even impressing the Boss (Nonno)

Upon using the oils I received several recipes which once again achieved great results.

Pain Relief Cream
Melt 1/4 cup coconut oil & add 

15 drops of Lavender
15 drops of Lemongrass
15 drops of Ice Blue
I apply this to my shoulder & arm muscles, knees, calves & ankles or any muscle or joint pain. It works wonderfully, lately I've added Magnesium Chloride to the salve as well.

 I like using Magnesium Oil topically. 
1/2 cup of magnesium chloride, add
1/2 cup of boiled water and stir.
The Magnesium dissolves quickly leaving a liquid, when used feels oily but dries into the skin. Magnesium is easily depleted due to daily stress. 

I Love my Deodorant! 

1/2 a cup of arrowroot powder mixed with
1/4 cup of bicarbonate soda, then add
6 tablespoons of coconut oil. Mix thoroughly the add essential oils. 
As most are either anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, antiseptic, they are all useful in keeping the bacteria in check. My fave is Lemon & Lavender. Eucalyptus is refreshing also, I like to smell the oils but it doesn't need to be strong to work. I'm going to make a male fragrant using the woody scented oils, cinnamon, sandlewood....

Body Butter. 
1/4 cup of coconut oil

2 tabs of beeswax
3 tabs of shea butter
Combine these ingredients & melt them over heat. I used the microwave, gently, stirring to keep the heat even & melt the wax. 
When its smooth let it  cool then whiz the mix & spoon into a container. Add oils, Lavender for a calming cream, citrus for a refreshing, uplifting fragrance, Lemongrass for inflammation, and so on.....
You can add Magnesium also. 

I'm in a great co-op & have been able to buy minerals locally, including pure soap powder, bi-carb, borax, magnesium chloride, epsom salts to name a few.

Homemade Washing Powder using 
2 cups of dry washing soap - is a degreaser- (all the recipes I googled used bars of soap)
1 cup borax - is a stain remover& whitening-  ( sodium Borate is alkaline,a salt & safe to use. Boric acid is acidic & not to be used)
1 cup washing soda - removes odors & is a water softener.

Mix these ingredients, add some refreshing fragrant doTerra Oils & use 1 scoop per load of washing, 2 scoops for very dirty clothes.

I'll keep updating this blog on more of my chemical free adventures. Happy to hear from you & your thoughts on homemade products without the fillers. Savings on packaging & waste.

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